Posted in Dojo Cookies
I like widgets you can create in bulk, from valid markup. Quickly, I’m going to show you how to use query() and dojo.dnd.Moveable to create a set of dragable “magnets” on the screen.
Start with some basic CSS:
span.magnet { padding:3px; border:2px solid #ccc; background:#fff; }
and in your HTML, several span’s class:
<div id="holder"> <span>One</span> <span>Two</span> <span>Three</span> </div>
Then, in script, we find and convert those spans to dragable objects:
// require dojo.dnd stuff: dojo.require("dojo.dnd.Moveable"); // page ready dojo.addOnLoad(function(){ // get every "span" in node id="holder" dojo.query("span","holder") // add "magnet" class .addClass("magnet") // make each node moveable: .forEach(function(node){ new dojo.dnd.Moveable(node); }); });
And all of the rest of the work should be done for you. You should have three dragable nodes:
One Two Three