Posted in Dojo Cookies
forEach goodness.
This morning, I was again reminded about something I am continually forgetting and it’s worth documenting, so here goes:
Not only does dojo.forEach iterate over an array passing the element to a function each time:
var arr = ["one","two","three"]; // print one, two, three dojo.forEach(arr,function(el){ console.log(el); });
It also passes the current index in the array (which I find uber helpful):
var arrOne = ["a","b","c"]; var arrTwo = ["one","two","three"]; dojo.forEach(arrOne,function(el,idx){ // better than idx++ var alt = arrTwo[idx]; console.log(alt); });
You can pass a named function, too. forEach automatically passes the element anyway:
var connects = []; connects.push(dojo.connect("node","onclick",console,"log")); // later: dojo.forEach(connects,dojo.disconnect);
It also scopes, making “this” useful:
var foo = { myMethod: function(el){ console.log(el); } }; dojo.forEach(["a","b","c"],function(item){ this.myMethod(item); },foo);
And to top it alll off, dojo.query / dojo.NodeList has a .forEach method, which assumes scope, and otherwise
works the same (though the array is each domNode in the results:)
// add some text to all nodes class="links" dojo.query(".links").forEach(function(n){ n.innerHTML += " - touched "; dojo.connect(n,"onclick",function(e){ conosle.log(; }); });
Hope this helps.
Tags: dojo.forEach()